One outcome of the “Partnership for Poverty and Sustainable Development Studies” Project is to increase student mobility. Therefore the parties arrange a constant reciprocal exchange of MA/PhD students between University of Bergen and University of KwaZulu-Natal with the aim of taking short-term courses (intensive or summer school courses).
The project financed seven South African PhD students and one staff member from UKZN as active participants at the Bergen Summer Research School (BSRS) in June 2017.

UKZN students during Bergen Summer Research School 2017
At UiB, the first 5 students to visit Durban (South Africa) will be Masters level students who will attend a summer (winter) school organised by UKZN from 25 June – 9 July 2018 as part of its regular programme of courses. They will be granted scholarships offered as part of the CROP/UiB-UKZN “Partnership for Poverty and Sustainable Development Studies”.
Find out more about the application process.
CROP has engaged in project-related co-operation with the Department of Health Promotion and Development (HEMIL/UiB) during the second semester of the UTFORSK project. It is expected that many of the future scholarship applicants will be students from the department’s Global Development Theory and Practice (GLODE) Masters Programme. The project is targeting students on this type of programme on the basis that the content of such programmes coincides with the target field of the educational cooperation and epistemic community the project is aiming to create and sustain.