Role of Mobility

Increased mobility of graduate students, academic and administrative staff between South Africa constitutes an assumed outcome of the project that is based on mutual and synergistic academic interests with the participating institutions’ long-term strategic priorities. UKZN, CROP/UiB-ISSC and CODESRIA have drafted a model of international and multidisciplinary cooperation.


The UTFORSK project intends to consolidate a vibrant scientific network to further influence poverty eradication and sustainable development, while educating a new generation of researchers with a high participation of female scholars.




Reciprocal exchange of administrative staff between institutions is important in order to secure a smooth functioning of the different activities, as well as to “institutionalise” the cooperation beyond that of the individual researchers.

The mobility programme is facilitating interactions that are indispensable to establishing a solid platform for educational co-operation and articulating an epistemic community.It is expected that UTFORSK project will have a positive impact on the scientific understanding of poverty.